Agriculture Development and Income in Indonesia


  • Benjamin Drean Lycée George Sand, EPL du Velay, France


: Employment in Agriculture, Agriculture Value Added, Gross Domestic Product


This study plans to look at the advancement of Indonesian farming by analyzing Worth included horticulture in Indonesia, Work in Agribusiness in Indonesia, and Local area Pay in Indonesia. In this study using secondary data from the world bank in the annual research period 2000 - 2019 using the Quantitative Threshold Autoregressive method. We observed that the rural area is an area that retains an extremely enormous labor force in Indonesia. The farming area had the option to develop well despite the fact that during the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 when different areas encountered a downturn. Be that as it may, the interest of youth or the labor force in the rural area in Indonesia should be expanded on the grounds that there is a descending pattern in the review period. However, the performance of human resources in agriculture in Indonesia has actually increased, as indicated by the estimation results regarding agriculture value-added and employment in agriculture in the estimation results and forecasting results which demonstrate that consolation in the rural area can help individuals' pay as shown by Gross domestic product per capita.


