Education And Health To Support The Quality Of Work Participation In Cambodia



  • Danang Dwi Gusti Fajar Yanto University of Muhammadiyah Jember, Indonesia
  • Achariya Chanthavy Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia


Work Participation, Education, Health


This study investigates Work Participation, Education, Health and Economic Growth. This study investigates data from the 2000 to 2020 starting point to generate “autoregressive vectors” that can be used to determine relationships between variables. This model is used to analyze Work Participation, Education, Health and Economic Growth in Cambodia and we utilize the World Bank’s data. We find something about this research, like good work participation requires education and good health as well, because if education and health are poor, work participation will also be bad. When work participation is good, apart from health and education, there will also be economic development that will improve in Cambodia.


