Vector Analysis and Fore Casting Agriculture Employment, Human Capital and Employment in Agriculture in South Africa



  • Eny Lestari Widarni STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Human Capital, Agriculture, Employment in Agriculture, Vector Analysis.


The purpose of this study is to see the influence between agriculture performance, education investment, and employment so that forecasting can be done which can be an illustration of the condition of the influence of the relationship that indicates various things in the three variables in South Africa. The study was conducted using an annual period starting from 2000 - 2019. Using vector analysis and forecasting the influence of the relationship from the results of vector analysis. We find that Agriculture performance in South Africa has decreased continuously in the 8th period in the forecasting chart. If this continues, it can lead to hunger or food dependence on imports. Likewise, the education graph also decreased in period 10. This is very bad because education is an important component in educating the nation's children which has an impact on the development of the human capital of the population in the future. However, employment in agriculture has increased in period 8. This is very strange. The possibility of wrong policies where the number of people working in the agricultural sector should improve agricultural performance. However, what happened was the opposite. More and more people in South Africa are working in the agricultural sector, but the performance of agriculture has actually decreased, coupled with a decrease in investment in education.


