The Impact of International Trade on the Human Capital Index in Indonesia from 1996 - 2022


  • Rima Ainun Sabila Economic Development study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Nila Aulia Harvina Economic Development study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember, Indonesia


Export, Import, Human Capital Index


This study investigates the impact of export and import levels on the Human Capital Index (HCI) in Indonesia from 1996 to 2022. Secondary data from the World Bank are used in the analysis, with variables including exports, imports, and HCI. Quantitative methods are employed in this research, using the ARDL analysis model. The analysis results indicate that all three variables become stationary after first differencing. However, Johansen Cointegration tests show no Cointegration among these variables. Further testing reveals that the selected ARDL model is (4, 4, 4). According to the estimated model outputs, imports have a small but positive impact on HCI, while exports have a negative and negligible impact.. The conclusion drawn from this study is that exports and imports have relatively insignificant impacts on HCI in Indonesia.


