Prospects of Crypto Currency in Financial and Energy Transactions in Japan


  • Lekha Mudrikah STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang, Indonesia
  • Fina Amaliah Hidayanti STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang, Indonesia


Crypto Currency, Financial, Energy, Transactions, Japan


This study tries to measure the influence of internet users as the main indicator of the development of block chain technology, domestic consumption as a potential cryptocurrency user in the future, the use of electrical energy as a measure of current energy use for various purposes as an indicator of energy supporting the creation of block chains. As the locus of your research, you are researching Japan.This research examines data from 2000 until 2020 to be able to produce "autoregressive vectors" that may be used to evaluate the causal link between variables. Based on secondary data from the World Bank. We found that the use of the internet is something that cannot be separated from crypto currency as a digital currency. The positive causality relationship between internet users and domestic consumption shows good prospects for digital currencies in financial and energy transactions formed from consumption activities. The increase in internet use and the increase in consumption in Japan indicate the development of the digital economy in Japan. This illustrates that the digital economy in Japan is developing well and cryptocurrencies have good prospects in terms of economic transactions in trade originating from production activities and increased energy as a result of increased digital activity.


