The Application of Positive Psychology in Improving The Quality of Human Resources


  • Dashen Allen School of Life and Wellness, United Kingdom


Psychology, Human Resource, Organization, Management


The goal of this research is to conduct an examination the themes explored in earlier research on the Impact of Psychology on Human Resources. We employ content analysis to assemble scientific papers from Emerald, Science Direct, and Korean science, as well as books produced by Psychology and Human Resources. Positive psychology has the advantage that it can support patients with psychological disorders to improve their relapse prevention abilities, besides that positive psychology can also improve the performance of company or organizational employees. The employees of the company or organization must have a psychological contract such as guarantees of a suitable salary and a good work environment, of course this is useful to increase a sense of comfort and security when working. Workers must have positive psychological traits such as hope, optimism, and resilience at work in order to create quality human resources. The importance of positive psychology is also needed in the business world, because positive psychology can affect the readiness of business people and when designing business strategies it will be more accurate and strategic. The right human resource policies can also help businesses overcome the negative effects of difficult times when starting a business and facing business challenges.


