Analysis Of The Influence Of Export Value and Import Value Of PetroleumEconomic Growth According To Indonesian GDP, 2013- 2023


  • Herdiana Nur Fa`idah University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Febri Arianti University of Jember, Indonesia


Petroleum Export Value, Petroleum Import Value, Economic Growth


The main purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of petroleum exports and imports on Indonesia's economic growth for the 2013-2023 period. The multiple linear regression analysis method is used in this research to analyze based on secondary data in the form of export value and import value of petroleum as the independent variable and Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) as the dependent variable obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia (BI). The study's findings indicate that whereas petroleum imports have a large and negative impact on economic growth, petroleum exports have a positive and considerable impact on Indonesia's economic growth. This shows that Indonesia still depends on petroleum exports as a source of state income, but also faces challenges in meeting increasing domestic energy needs. This research recommends that the Indonesian government increase export diversification efforts, reduce dependence on petroleum imports, and develop alternative energy sources that are more environmentally friendly and beneficial to society and can encourage economic growth in Indonesia.


