Innovative Catfish: Knitting Stunting Solutions Through Advanced Production Strategies And Cultivation Development In Semboro Village, Semboro District, Jember Regency


  • Rochmatulloh Alaika University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Ivo Rajava Fiba University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Kanzulia Arsyta Qaribil Hasanah University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Christin Wijaya Untoro University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Desty Dwi Saputri University of Jember, Indonesia


Catfish, Stunting, Cultivation, SWOT, Strategy


Stunting is one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is included in the second sustainable development goal, namely eliminating hunger and all forms of malnutrition. Semboro Village, Jember Regency is one of the villages that has a fairly high stunting problem. The solutions implemented are still not fully efficient, one of the best solutions to overcome the problem of stunting is through the development of independent catfish farming businesses which have a role in providing nutrition fortoddlers in addition to being able to support SDGs point 2 without hunger and SDGs point 8, namely economic growth. Increasing catfish cultivation as a form of independent entrepreneurship needs to be supported by information regarding cultivation potential and effective development strategies. This Community Service Program aims to reduce stunting rates and create independent entrepreneurs in Semboro Village. The results of this program will include a SWOT analysis and practical suggestions. One of the main strategies taken from the SWOT analysis is the Strength-Opportunities approach which is located in quadrant I. To achieve this goal, improvements in cultivation skills, seed quality, and the application of information technology are considered capable of increasing efficiency, productivity, and business sustainability. The three main recommendations put forward are: (1) Encourage relevant departments to organize training in environmentally friendly cultivation techniques and the provision of superior seeds; (2) Develop marketing networks and expand business through the use of information technology, while strengthening cooperation between cultivators; (3) Optimizing catfish cultivation throughout the community to fulfill nutritional needs in solving stunting cases.


