The Role of Exports and Imports in Improving the Indonesian Economy: Panel Data Study 2010-2020


  • Jonsen M Sitompul, University of Jember, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Farhan Alisurya University of Jember, Indonesia


Exports, Imports, Indonesian Economy


This research aims to analyze the role of import-export activities in increasing Indonesian economic income. This research ulses secondary data obtained from the World Bank dulring the 2010-2020 period and a panel data analysis method with a fixed effect model. Where the resullts of this research show that import-export activities have different roles in influlencing Indonesia's GDP. Export activities have a significant positive influlence, while import activities do not have a significant influlence. This shows that Indonesia has relied more on exports than imports previoulsly which also foulnd a positive relationship between exports and economic growth in Indonesia.


