Science Development of Psychology and Economics in Business - A



  • Alejandra García-Ochoa Mora School Of Life And Wellness,Spain
  • Suryaning Bawono STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Science Development, Psychology,Economics,Business,A Systematic Literature Review


This study aims to investigate the relationship between psychology and economics.This study uses a qualitative systematic literature review method by using the snowball technique in finding the truth using a literature review that is collected systematically.We found that the development of economics and psychology develops to form a slice of scientific discipline in the fields of economics and psychology. The development of economic research is colored by the study of psychology so that many branches of slices and theories develop that involve the psychology side in studying economic phenomena and understanding economic phenomena so that economic studies develops with psychology as a color for understanding economic phenomena that occur by paying attention to humans as economic actors. and pay attention to humans as humans who have the soul and motivation to take economic actions that cannot be explained in a materialistic approach but require a humanist approach and an understanding of the human spirit


