Effects of Climate Change on Energy Dynamics in Malaysia: an ARDL Analysis



  • Mochamad Suparmanto STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Bambang Hadi Prabowo STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Fina Amaliyah Hidayanti STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Access To Electricity, Use Of Electric Power, Malaysia.


This study looks at how Malaysian energy availability and usage are affected by climate change.
We use the World Bank as a complementary source of statistical data, namely data from 2000 to
2016, the variables we use are climate change, use of renewable energy, access to electricity, and
use of electric power. We found that use of renewable energy has a positive and significant effect
on climate change. That is, the higher the consumption of renewable energy, the lower the level of
climate change. Renewable energy can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions which are the main
cause of climate change. The factor of access to electricity also affects climate change. That is, the
higher access to electricity, the higher the rate of climate change. The electricity consumption
variable also has a positive and significant effect on climate change. That is, the higher the
consumption of electricity, the higher the rate of climate change. Electricity consumption can also
affect greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector, depending on the energy mix used to
generate electricity.





