The Role of Education and Internet User for Encourage Indonesian Economic Growth in The Digital Era



  • Imro'atul Husna Afriani English Education Study Program, University of 17 August 1945 Banyuwangi
  • Fina Amaliah Hidayanti STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Internet, Economics, education


This study aims to examine patterns of data change on investment in education, technology, and
economic growth in Indonesia. By examining the behavior of investment data in education, technology,
and economic growth, it can be predicted the opportunities for encouraging economic growth in terms
of education and technology so that it can be seen how big the role of education and technology is in
driving economic growth in Indonesia.This study examines the relationship between internet users,
education, and economic growth in Indonesia. To achieve this goal, the Quantitative Threshold
Autoregressive method is used to predict data behavior so that the relationship between data behavior
and the relationship between variables of internet users, education, and economic growth can be known.
Internet users as an indication of internet technology literacy have an impact on the Indonesian economy.
The push for internet users in Indonesia is on the supply side, where there has been an increase in
production, including starting new internet-based businesses in Indonesia. Education plays a role in
encouraging community productivity through increasing human capital and mastery of technology so
that education and technological literacy as indicated by the increase in internet users in Indonesia
encourage each other to increase Indonesia's economic growth.





