Indonesian Economic Recovery Opportunities for Increasing Internet Users in Indonesia



  • Seni Soniansih UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
  • Meinarti Puspaningtyas STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Internet, Economics, Consumption


This study examines the relationship between internet users, consumption, and economic growth in
Indonesia. To achieve this goal, the Quantitative Threshold Autoregressive method is used to predict
data behavior so that the relationship behavior between data can be seen and the relationship between
variables of internet users, consumption, and economic growth can be seen. The hope is that knowing
past behavior data can be an indicator of decisions that can be taken in the future.All data are secondary
data from world banks. We found that internet users as an indication of internet technology literacy have
an impact on the Indonesian economy. However, the impetus for internet users in Indonesia occurred on
the supply side, where there was an increase in production, including starting new internet-based
businesses in Indonesia. Where the drive for consumption occurs, there is an action by corporations that
use the internet as a promotional medium so that there is a consumption boost and encourages production
so that this cycle occurs which has an impact on increasing economic growth from time to time due to
the internet user factor.





