The Impact of Covid-19 on Employee Welfare and Human Resource Management in Indonesia



  • M Yusuf Antoni STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Diah Rusminingsih STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


COVID 19, Income, Consumption


The research investigates the impact of COVID 19 by looking at the change in the average income of
employees in the research object for 24 months, namely January 2019 to month 1 and December 2020
to month 24, both those who are still working and have already worked. sent home or who lost his job.
We conducted online surveys and in-depth interviews regarding the monthly income and workplace
conditions of 400 respondents in Jakarta and Bandung. We focus on three things, namely the
respondent's income, the change in the average number of employees at the respondent's workplace,
the Indonesian government assistance received by respondents before and during the coronavirus
pandemic, the respondents' expenditure or consumption, then the regression is carried out using the
moving average autoregression method. . We find that economic policies have a more positive impact
on the level of public consumption than the assistance provided by the Indonesian government. Where
employment opportunities have a more positive impact than providing subsidies or assistance during
the COVID-19 pandemic.





