Human Capital, Income and Job Opportunities in Indonesia



  • M.Irji'Sa'Adi STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Sri Harnani STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Human Capital, Income, Job Opportunities


This study used interviews with 150 online informal workers in Jakarta. 80% of the respondents we
interviewed were high school graduates and 20% did not have a high school diploma. Based on the
results of interviews, 70% of respondents who had high school certificates had worked in the formal
sector and chose to work in the informal sector and respondents who did not have high school
certificates had never worked in the formal sector. To anticipate the interview results, we collected
secondary data from world banks and the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics regarding data on
unemployment in Indonesia, high school graduation and high school labor demand. Then we process
all data in the form of an employment opportunity index which is calculated based on the supply and
demand for labor where the supply of labor is the number of unemployed and graduated high school
and the demand for labor in the demand for labor is high. school level. The income index is obtained
from interviews with 150 informal workers by taking into account income while working in the formal
sector, income in the informal sector and investment in education in the form of education from
primary to final education. The human capital index is obtained from the difference in income and
forecasting the difference in income of respondents who have a high school diploma and those who do
not have a high school diploma. We use average data or all the data obtained is averaged based on a
group of variables determined based on literature review and background and time series, then
regression is carried out using the moving average autoregression method. We find that human capital
and job opportunities have positive relationship with income.





