Lack of Sleep Can Affect Mental Health



  • Benjamin Drean France
  • Suryaning Bawono Indonesia


Mental Health, Sleep, Indonesia, France


This study examined 20 people with mental disorders, namely depression or stress in Paris, France and 20 people with mental
disorders in Jakarta, Indonesia who were not hospitalized and carried out normal daily activities. We examined the relationship between
stress levels, busyness, and sleep time of a person in 20 weeks. We use average data or all data obtained is averaged, which is then
grouped based on the specified group of variables, then the regression is carried out using ordinary least squares (OLS).Based on the
results of observations and regressions on 20 people with mental disorders, namely depression or stress in Paris, France and 20 people
with mental disorders in Jakarta, Indonesia who were not hospitalized and carried out normal daily activities, it can be concluded that sleep
quality and busyness have an effect. on a person's mental health where in this study the mental health disorder studied is a person's stress
level or depression which is briefly. An R-squared level of 0.954976 indicating that the level of truth of the relationship had an effect on
sleep quality, busyness and mental health by 95%. Concluded that the quality of sleep and busyness had an impact on mental health.





