The The Role of Technology Investment, Business Sector Investment, Government Investment in Public Goods and Consumption in Efforts to Improve Population Welfare in Indonesia



  • Moh.Arif Budi Susetyo STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Eny Lestari Widarni STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang


Investment, Indonesia, Consumption


This research is about technology investment, business sector investment, government investment in public goods and consumption in an effort to improve the welfare of the population in Indonesia, which is reflected in the Gross Domestic Product. This study uses secondary data from world banks and processed regression using the moving average autoregression method. We find that government consumption and investment are positively related to gross domestic product, so it can be concluded that government investment in public goods and public consumption is a driving factor for the welfare of the Indonesian people. This shows that the informal business sector which is not touched by business sector investment, either FDI or direct investment or paper asset investment, needs to be strengthened by buying umkm products and informal sector products because the Indonesian economy relies on the informal sector.


