Representation of Energy Consumption on CO2 Emissions in Cambodia with ARDL Approach



  • Rachmad Santoso STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Suryaning Bawono STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Andik Priyanto STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa Malang
  • Muhammad Birrul Alim University of Jember, Indonesia


Economic Growth, Renewable Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, Cambodia


This study tries to determine the long-term and short-term relationship between several variables related to CO2 emissions, such as the use of fossil fuels, renewable energy, and Cambodia's economic development. We use the World Bank as a supplementary source for statistics data, namely data from 2000 to 2020. We found that when economic growth increases, it will give a negative sentiment toward CO2 emissions in Cambodia. This is also in line with other variables, such as consumption of fossil energy, where when there is an increase, it will also make a negative contribution to the increase in CO2 emissions. However, other variables, such as the consumption of renewable energy, have a positive contribution to reducing CO2 emissions in Cambodia. The choice of using renewable or fossil energy is very influential in increasing CO2 emissions, the current condition where renewable energy is still minimally used in Cambodia is one of the reasons why the increase in CO2 emissions there tends to continue to increase.

